Our Services

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapists help kids (and adults sometimes!) “do”. They help kids to function more effectively in the things that they need to be able to do every day. This could be playing with their friends, doing their school work, participating in sports or other community groups or managing their emotions. We don’t necessarily do this by practicing that particular skill, instead we work out the “why” behind the problem. We may look at the way kids process sensory information such as sounds, smells or touch. Sometimes we look at how kids move, breathe or use their muscles. All of this influences how children learn, socialise or behave. We do this because, by analysing the way they do things, we can find where there may be a gap or a blockage which results in the undesirable outcome that you might see. We can then help by working on the area which contributed to the problem in the first place rather than just practising a skill with the hope that it would get better.

At Sense Therapies, we use a flexible and family-focused approach to therapy.
Our services include:

  • Assessments & Reports

  • One-on-one OT sessions

  • Parent Coaching sessions

  • Telehealth sessions

  • School & Preschool visits

  • Group sessions

  • Holiday Intensives

  • Supervision for OTs

Group Therapy

Therapy groups are a great way to support the skills we have been working on in individual sessions.

Please contact us at groups@sensetherapies.com.au for any groups enquiries.

We also offer Sense Team Sports

Sense Rugby and AFL give kids a safe environment where experienced Paediatric Occupational Therapists work with Trained Sports Players to help kids achieve success.